World news story

Prime Minister David Cameron appoints Harriett Baldwin MP as his Trade Envoy to Russia

The Prime Minister announced Harriett Baldwin’s appointment at the World Economic Forum in Davos as part of a wider package of measures support British Industry.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

As Trade Envoy Mrs Baldwin will promote UK-Russia trade, and investment from Russia into the UK. She will have an important role in showcasing the business opportunities available in Russia to British small and medium sized businesses.

Over the last three years Mrs Baldwin has worked hard to develop strong links between the UK and Russia. This includes:

  • welcoming a number of high-level visitors in the UK, including the Russian Minister of Economic Development, Alexey Ulyukaev
  • leading an agricultural trade mission to Bryansk

Mrs Baldwin has a long standing interest in Russia, having studied Russian at Oxford University, and she has recently been elected Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Russia.

On her appointment as Trade Envoy to Russia, Mrs Baldwin said: “I was enormously honoured to be asked by the Prime Minister to take on this key role helping to improve trade links between Russia and the UK.

“Russia has the potential to be the UK’s fastest growing major export market and I have already had first-hand experience helping our two countries to build links by hosting visits from a number of trade delegations to my constituency and to meet me in Parliament.

“Together with some of my Parliamentary colleagues, I will be visiting Moscow in April and will be working with the Prime Minister’s office and UKTI to develop a plan to improve trade links over the coming months and years.”

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Published 29 January 2014