News story

Prime Minister's response to announcement of Falklands referendum

"I have always said that it is up to the Falkland Islanders themselves to choose whether they want to be British."

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Prime Minister David Cameron has responded to the announcement from the Falkland Islands Government that they intend to hold a referendum in 2013 on the political status of the Falkland Islands.

Mr Cameron said:

I have always said that it is up to the Falkland Islanders themselves to choose whether they want to be British and that the world should listen to their views.

Thirty years ago they made clear that they wanted to stay British. That’s why British forces bravely liberated the island from Argentine invaders.

Now the Argentine Government wants to put that choice in doubt again, by shouting down the Islanders’ ability to speak for themselves and punishing them for exercising their own free choice. That’s why it’s absolutely right that the Islanders have today set out how they intend to make their voices heard once more. And Britain will be resolute in supporting their choice.

Next year’s referendum will determine beyond doubt the views of the people of the Falklands. Britain will respect and defend their choice. We look to all UN members to live up to their responsibilities under the UN charter and accept the Islanders’ decision about how they want to live.

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Published 12 June 2012