Prime Minister's statement on Iran's nuclear programme
Prime Minister David Cameron has made a statement following agreement being reached in Vienna on Iran’s nuclear programme.

Prime Minister, David Cameron, said:
After persistent diplomacy and tough sanctions, the international community has delivered a historic deal with Iran. A deal which secures our fundamental aim – to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon - and that will help to make our world a safer place.
I want to pay tribute to all of those who have worked tirelessly over the last few months to deliver this deal. It has required leadership, courage and determination on both sides.
Now we must ensure that this deal is fully implemented. There is a real opportunity for Iran to benefit from this agreement in terms of its economy but this will only happen if Iran delivers on all the agreed actions required to fully address international concerns about its programme. Of course, this agreement will not solve all the difficulties, especially between Iran and its neighbours. We will continue to work with our partners in the region to ensure stability and security and I hope that Iran will also follow this path.