News story

Procurement training for schools

The Crown Commercial Service and Department for Education have launched a series of free to access procurement training modules for schools.

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Man writing and looking at laptop with words overlaid - Training, Teaching, Development, Coaching, Knowledge, Learn, New Skills

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and Department for Education (DfE) have created a set of self-service introductory level public procurement training sessions for school staff with budget or buying responsibility.

The bite size modules are designed to be used for group training sessions and are aimed at senior leadership teams, school business managers and governors/trustees in all local-authority-maintained schools, academies and free schools.

The 12 modules, complete with trainer notes, provide a cost-effective route to improving procurement skills in your school by helping you understand public procurement legislation and share effective best practice.

Each module lasts from 15 to 50 minutes and follows a simple procurement cycle, covering topics such as analysing value, creating a specification, contract management and legislation.

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Published 10 February 2016