News story

Call for businesses to help make NHS ventilators

We are looking for businesses to support in the production and supply of ventilators and ventilator components.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Patient on a ventilator.

Credit: ugurhan / iStock

The government is looking for businesses who can support in the supply of ventilators and ventilator components across the UK as part of our response to COVID-19.

As well as manufacturers, we are looking for businesses with the following skills:

  • design/specification
  • rapid prototyping
  • contract/product assembly
  • certification/regulation/testing
  • logistics
  • medical training

You can also offer wider coronavirus support from your business.

Update: 22 April 2020

The Ventilator Challenge launched by the government is ongoing.

If you have completed the online form with details of the support you can offer, there is no further action you need to take. You will be contacted when your offer of support meets necessary requirements.

Please direct future queries to

Thank you for your offer of support.

Updates to this page

Published 16 March 2020
Last updated 30 March 2020 show all updates
  1. Added link to online form for businesses who can support in the supply of ventilators and ventilator components.

  2. First published.