Project Servator, one year on….
It has been a year since Project Servator was launched at Sellafield and officers have been busy carrying out unpredictable and highly visible deployments in the area over the last 12 months

If you work at Sellafield or live in the local area then over the last year you may have noticed more of our Civil Nuclear Police (CNC) officers out and about speaking to people.
Chances are you have seen one of our Project Servator deployments.
Launched on 4 July 2016, the aim of Project Servator is to deter any hostile threat by detecting suspicious activity in the local area.
Unpredictable and highly visible deployments made up of armed officers, dogs or behavioural detection officers can pop up anywhere and anytime on site or within the surrounding area making it difficult for any hostile threat.
Project Servator, originally started by our colleagues in the City of London Police, was launched by the CNC at Sellafield one year ago.
In that time, there have been more than 1,500 deployments across the area. These have varied from speaking to Sellafield site workers to visiting over 55 local shop keepers, all to promote the “trust your instinct” message. Officers have also given presentations about Servator and what it means to apprentices at Gen2, local schools and colleges and local community groups.
In the last few months there have been 135 deployments where officers have been out in the community, engaging with local residents to encourage them to report anything suspicious. No matter where they go our officers have received a warm welcome with lots of interest in the project and their role in general.
Supt Graham Shaw, who is the Operational Unit Commander for Sellafield, said: “The idea of Servator is to deter any hostile threat, but also to reassure people and let them know we’re there.
“Other benefits include deterring crime in the area. The unpredictable nature of our deployments, both day and night, mean anyone with hostile or criminal intent can be detected.
“The support and involvement from workers on site or residents in the local community, who have either engaged with our officers during a deployment or reported suspicious behaviour, means that together we send a strong message to anyone with malicious intent- you will be detected.”
Sergeant Graham Hawley said: “Our Cumbria Constabulary officers work closely with CNC every day with the aim of making sure the community around Sellafield, as well as the workforce within, are kept safe.
“The CNC have developed the Project Servator tactic during the last year and we are now working with them on joint deployments to deter hostile threats and identify criminal behaviour not only in and around the Sellafield Site but also the local communities, engaging with members of the workforce and wider public, encouraging them to trust their instincts and report any suspicious behaviour.
“Working together is undoubtedly the most effective way for ourselves and our partners to keep the communities and workforce of our nuclear estate safe.”
Project Servator will continue to develop within the CNC. The number of officers who are involved with Project Servator is set to increase with our roll out across the other sites we police.
Our deployments are also taking on a new element with the involvement of plain clothed officers supporting our visible patrols. These officers are highly trained in behavioral detection. Their expertise is in noticing the subtle, sometimes unconscious ways in which people behave differently when they are stressed or anxious.
Supt Shaw added “We look forward to continuing the development of Project Servator within the CNC and using different unpredictable tactics will continue to help us deter anyone with hostile intent.”
If you are interested in Project Servator and are part of a community group who would benefit from a presentation, please email for more information.
Remember, trust your instinct and report any suspicious activity directly to the CNC by calling 019467 73999.
Keep up-to-date with Servator deployments, recruitment information or anything CNC by following us on Twitter: @nuclearpolice
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Published 6 July 2017Last updated 6 July 2017 + show all updates
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