Proposed final agreement on reforms to NHS Pension Scheme
The proposed final agreement represents the government's final position on the design of the new NHS pension scheme.
On 20 December 2011, the Secretary of State for Health reported to the House of Commons that a heads of agreement had been reached on a new NHS Pension Scheme for England and Wales for introduction in 2015. The heads of agreement set out the Government’s final position on the main elements of scheme design.
Since then, the Department of Health has been engaged in detailed discussions with health sector trade unions and employer representatives over the remaining details for the new NHS Pension Scheme. These discussions have concluded and the outcome reflected in a proposed final agreement. The headline elements of the proposed final agreement remain unchanged from those set out in the heads of agreement.
The proposed final agreement represents the government’s final position on the design of the new pension scheme. The final scheme design is conditional on acceptance by trade unions of the proposed final agreement. Trade unions have agreed to take this Proposed Final Agreement to their Executives as the outcome of negotiations.
The Health Secretary has written to all chairs of NHS trusts, strategic health authority clusters, primary care trust clusters, foundation trusts and arm’s length bodies to highlight the proposed final agreement. The letter refers to a Q&A which is contained in a general pensions factsheet.
Read the proposed final agreement and the letter from the Health Secretary