Prosperity Fund Brazil: Market Engagement Event
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office is inviting organisations to attend a design consultation event to be held on 21 and 22 March 2018 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) invites organisations to attend a design consultation event to be held on 21 and 22 March 2018 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Venue details and timings will be provided to registered participants.
The event will focus on the development of multi-year Prosperity Fund programmes to be delivered by the FCO in Brazil in the thematic areas of Trade, Green Finance, Energy, and Future Cities. Find out more information on the prosperity fund website.
The event is to elicit market views on aspects of design and to discuss challenges and opportunities.
Subject to Business Case approval, the FCO proposes to implement Prosperity Fund programmes in Brazil in the following thematic areas:
The Trade programme seeks to reduce barriers to trade and stimulate sector opportunities, including by integrating more micro, small and medium companies (MSMEs) in global markets; making port operations more efficient; and supporting Brazil’s alignment with OECD standards.
Green Finance
The Green Finance Programme aims to create the tools and capacity to increase investments in low carbon infrastructure in Brazil, supporting the country’s sustainable development.
The Energy Programme seeks to bring UK and international experience and innovation to the Brazilian energy market to maximise market efficiency, stimulate investment and shape the environment and industry toward new low carbon technologies.
Future Cities
The Future Cities Programme aims to support the future sustainability of Brazil’s cities by supporting them to design, finance and implement smart city planning and innovative technologies (such as for urban mobility, water efficiency and data management) and by supporting city-level and national strategies for urban development.
The programmes will form an integral part of the UK’s Prosperity agenda in Brazil and will build on existing partnerships between the UK and Brazil.
As well as providing development assistance which is likely to contribute to a reduction in poverty in Brazil, these reforms are set to create opportunities for international business, including UK companies.
All projects and programmes will comply with the International Development Act including the International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014, meet the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC)’s criteria, are untied, and meet UK government transparency commitments on ODA spend.
The purpose of the event is to:
- provide an update on the UK’s Prosperity work in Brazil
- test out the UK’s thinking on aspects of programme design, including our Statements of Requirements (SoR) for the proposed programmes
- provide an update on how we will engage with potential suppliers
- respond to any queries and questions
- provide opportunities for potential suppliers to network with one another with a view to forming consortia in later call-offs
You are invited to join all or part of the design consultations. Background material will be shared ahead of the consultation to registered participants.
Please note that this event is not to discuss the future procurement process but solely to focus on the above main areas of design.
How to register
Places at the event are limited and will be restricted to two people per organisation to ensure a wide range of views are heard.
Please register your interest in attending this event sending an email to to with the following information:
- name of organisation
- full address details
- name of participant(s)
- email address(es)
- contact phone number(s).
If you have any questions please send to
Registration must be completed by 12 noon GMT on Friday 16 March 2018 at the latest.
Confirmation of places and venue details will be sent out to registered participants.