News story

Public Health England's Health Profiles 2014 published

These profiles provide an accessible health summary for each local authority in England, to help secure improvements in local health.

Health profiles

Public Health England’s (PHE’s) Health Profiles, published today, bring together existing information into one place to provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing across each local authority in England. They contain data on a range of indicators for local populations such as the proportion of children in poverty, adult smoking rates, levels of child and adult obesity, hospital stays and early mortality rates.

The profiles are designed to provide local government and health services with ‘conversation starters’ to highlight local issues and priorities, and discuss how to tackle these. They show potential problems and opportunities by making comparisons with other areas and with the national average.

Health Profiles have been published annually since 2007, and this is the second time PHE is responsible for publishing them. They will be available online for every local authority in England.

Dr Don Sinclair, Health Profiles Project Director at PHE, said:

These profiles are a useful resource to support local authority members, officers and community partners to improve the health of people in their communities. Most of the indicators have been updated since last year - including the trends in some major causes of premature death - and there is an emphasis on the comparison between premature mortality in the most and least deprived populations. Several indicators have also been updated to include the most recent information from the Public Health Outcomes Framework, which health professionals currently use.

We hope these resources continue to be used to help local authorities and health and wellbeing boards with prioritisation and strategic planning in their area.

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Published 8 July 2014