Publishing music bursary scheme now available
The Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow invites Russian publishers to apply for bursaries to publish contemporary British literature on music.

This programme anticipates the UK–Russia Year of Music 2019. The definition of British literature on music includes biographies of composers and performers, books about musical instruments, venues, festivals and other events, critical essays and articles, school books, manuals, scores and libretti, and novels or short stories inspired by music.
Books should be written by British authors and published in the UK within the last 10 years, between 2008 and 2018.
We welcome applications from representatives of Russian publishing houses who are interested in promoting books on these themes to a wider Russian audience.
Ten bursaries are available of up to 300,000 (three hundred thousand) roubles each.
Bursaries are available for expenses related to –
- translation into Russian
- marketing campaign
- author’s visit to Russia
- rights acquisition
To apply for a bursary please complete the application form in English
The deadline for submitting applications is 10 December 2018. Bursaries will be paid to successful applicants before 31 March 2019.
By submitting the application form you confirm that –
The book that you would like to publish in Russian fits the criteria listed above (theme, author, year of publication)
You have either already purchased the rights for Russian publication or you have a written confirmation of intention from the rights holder. Successful applicants will need to provide a copy of the signed agreement when signing grant agreements with the Cultural and Education Section
If you plan to spend the bursary on translator’s fee, author’s visit, marketing campaign etc, you will need to have initial written confirmation from the translator, author or supplier. Successful applicants will need to submit copies of signed contracts or relevant email correspondence) when signing grant agreements with Cultural and Education Section
Successful applicants will mention the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy as a partner in all online and offline materials and events related to the Russian edition of the book, and will feature the British Embassy logo and acknowledgement of support from the Cultural and Education Section inside the book
Bursaries should be fully spent and books published in Russian by 31 March 2020. Also by the same date recipients of bursaries should provide a financial and descriptive report to the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy. This report should include copies of all financial documents confirming expenditure and be accompanied by at least five copies of the Russian edition of the book
For more detailed information about the programme please contact Lidia Khesed at or on + 7 903 135 45 27.