Queen approves appointment of new Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey
The Queen has approved the appointment of Reverend Dr James Hawkey as the new Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey.

The Queen has approved that the Reverend Dr James Douglas Thomas Hawkey, MA, MPhil, PhD, Dean and Director of Studies in Theology at Clare College, Cambridge in the diocese of Ely, and Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen, be appointed as a Residentiary Canon at Westminster Abbey. This is in succession to the Reverend Canon Vernon Philip White, MA, MLitt, on his resignation on 30 September 2018.
Background information
The Reverend Dr James Hawkey (aged 38) read Theology at Cambridge, graduating with First Class honours and prizes, before completing an MPhil on the seventeenth century poet Richard Crashaw, and a PhD in ecclesiology under the supervision of Professors Daniel W. Hardy and Eamon Duffy.
He trained for the ministry at Westcott House, spent a semester at the Angelicum University in Rome whilst an exchange student at the Venerable English College, served his title at St Mary’s Portsea (2007-2010) in the Portsmouth Diocese, was a Minor Canon of Westminster Abbey (2010-2015) and has been Dean of Clare College since 2015, where he also teaches for the Cambridge Divinity Faculty and Theological Federation.
He is assistant DDO for the Diocese of Ely, and was appointed a Chaplain to The Queen in 2017. Much of his research and teaching is in ecclesiology and ecumenism – he is currently a member of the International Reformed/Anglican Dialogue, and of the Malines Conversations Group. His commentary on the latest agreed statement of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission will be published by SPCK later this year, and he is currently working on The Heart and Heat of Pentecost: Renewing Anglican Ecclesiology.
He recently represented the Anglican Communion at the 8th International Conference of Orthodox Theology in Thessaloniki, and gave the 2018 Lyttleton Lectures at Eton College on Church and State. Dr Hawkey is a trustee of the Cambridge Institute for Religion and International Studies, an Adviser to the Center for Empathy in International Affairs and a member of the Church of England’s Estates Theology Group.