News story

Queen's Speech: immigration and crime measures announced

An Immigration Bill and an Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill have been announced by the Queen in her annual speech.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Houses of Parliament

Tough new measures to continue immigration reform and prevent illegal immigrants accessing services they’re not entitled to will be part of a new Immigration Bill.

The bill, announced in the Queen’s Speech, will also contain measures to make it harder for people to prevent their removal with spurious appeals, reduce the complexity of immigration law and make clear that foreign national offenders should be deported, except in extraordinary circumstances.


It will ensure Article 8 is not abused by individuals trying to avoid removal by giving the full force of primary legislation to the policy we have already set out in the Immigration Rules.

Landlords would also be required to check the immigration status of tenants and could face fines for failing to do so. Fines for rogue employers who use illegal labour would be doubled.

Access to public services for temporary migrants would also be regulated to ensure those accessing the NHS and other services are making a contribution.

Immigration Bill

Crime and Antisocial Behaviour

The Home Office will also introduce an Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill which will create new, simpler powers for police to tackle antisocial behaviour, cut crime and continue police reform.

The bill would tackle the use of illegal firearms by gangs and organised crime groups and provide better protection for victims of forced marriage.

It would also encourage responsible dog ownership by strengthening the law for tackling dogs that are dangerously out of control.

Additionally it would continue the government’s programme of police reform by extending the powers of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill

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Published 8 May 2013