News story

RAF and Royal Navy continue action against Gaddafi forces

The Royal Navy and RAF have been in action all week against Colonel Gaddafi's forces who continue to operate indiscriminately in Sirte and Bani Walid.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ground crew from No 2 (Army Cooperation) Squadron RAF working on a Tornado aircraft at Gioia del Colle airbase in southern Italy

Ground crew from No 2 (Army Cooperation) Squadron RAF working on a Tornado aircraft at Gioia del Colle airbase in southern Italy [Picture: Sergeant Pete Mobbs, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]

NATO maintained a constant aerial presence over both towns during Thursday, when, in the morning, a formation of RAF Tornado GR4s was tasked with a strike on a staging post and ammunition store being used by Gaddafi’s remaining tanks and armed vehicles in Sirte. Severe damage was inflicted on a number of targets at the location.

An armed reconnaissance patrol over Bani Walid meanwhile destroyed with four Paveway guided bombs ammunition stores which had been successfully located by NATO surveillance operations.

In the course of Thursday afternoon, RAF aircraft inflicted further destruction on ammunition stockpiles in Bani Walid, then proceeded east to Sirte where they joined another RAF patrol in a precision strike on another supply point being used by former regime tanks and rocket launchers.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, RAF Tornado GR4s struck military targets at a large ammunition and vehicle storage depot which has been supporting Colonel Gaddafi’s troops within Sirte. The site was also hit by the RAF on Tuesday.

NATO maintained a constant presence over the city throughout Wednesday, and, in the course of these patrols, RAF aircraft conducted further precision strikes on a group of buildings which had been identified as a headquarters and staging post for former regime forces, and on two firing positions.

500-pound (227kg) and 1,000-pound (454kg) Paveway bombs employing laser and GPS guidance successfully destroyed each of these targets.

At sea, Royal Navy vessels have maintained their patrols off the Libyan coast, with HMS Bangor providing security to merchant shipping by conducting precautionary mine countermeasure surveys to ensure there is no residual mine threat from the conflict.

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Published 30 September 2011