Reappointments to the Boundary Commission of England
Colin Byrne and Sarah Hamilton have been reappointed as Members of the Boundary Commission for England.

The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has announced the reappointment of Colin Byrne and Sarah Hamilton as Members of the Boundary Commission for England from 1 February 2025 to 31 March 2032.
The Boundary Commission for England is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The Boundary Commission for England is required by the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986 to review the parliamentary constituencies in England every 8 years.
Colin Byrne
Colin Byrne worked for over 30 years in the Civil Service in a number of roles. These included Divisional Manager, Health and Safety Executive; Director, Town and Country Planning, Department of Communities and Local Government; and Director, Government Office for the South East. He was the Lead Assistant Commissioner for the South East of England in the 2018 Boundary Review. He was a governor of the Guildford College Group for eight years, and a trustee of Citizens Advice Guildford. Currently he is a non-executive director of a local specialist housing association. Colin Byrne was appointed as a Member of the Boundary Commission for England for a five-year term from 1 July 2019. The appointment was subsequently extended until 29 October 2024 and then to 31 January 2025.
Sarah Hamilton
Sarah Hamilton graduated from Exeter University with a BA (Hons) in Law in 1992. She was admitted as a Solicitor in 1995 and enjoyed a 20-year career in a City law firm, specialising in litigation, acting for public sector bodies. Retiring from private practice in 2016, she now has a portfolio career in the fields of healthcare, education and regulation. She chairs Fitness to Practise Committees for three healthcare regulators. She is an Assessor for the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board. She is also the Independent Complaints and Standards Reviewer for the Independent Press Standards Organisation. She worked as the Lead Assistant Commissioner for the East of England in the 2018 Boundary Review. Sarah Hamilton was appointed as a Member of the Boundary Commission for England for a five-year term from 1 July 2019. The appointment was subsequently extended until 29 October 2024 and then to 31 January 2025.