Press release

Record 30 million people in jobs

Employment hit a new record high this month with over 30 million people in jobs for the first time.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Record 30 million people in jobs

Employment hit a new record high this month with over 30 million people in jobs for the first time, according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics this morning (18 December 2013).

UK employment level

The number of people working increased by 250,000 over the last 3 months, up 1.244 million since February to April 2010, with the majority of the increase being full-time, permanent jobs in the private sector. Employment increased in Scotland and Wales and in every region in England.

Change in employment over the last 12 months

The figures also show that unemployment fell by 99,000 in the last 3 months, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.4%, the lowest since 2009.

Employment Minister Esther McVey said:

It is really encouraging news that the number of people in jobs has increased by a quarter of a million in the last 3 months, bringing the total number of people in work to a record-breaking 30 million. Together with a big fall in unemployment, this shows that the government’s long-term economic plan to get people off benefits and into work is proving successful.

It’s also thanks to British businesses up and down the country who are feeling increasingly confident about taking on workers. This is a great sign that the economy is growing.

Employment Minister Esther McVey responds to the Labour Market Statistics for December 2013

Today’s figures also show:

  • youth unemployment fell 19,000 over the last 3 months to 941,000
  • youth unemployment for those not in full-time education fell 25,000 over the last 3 months to 643,000
  • long-term (1 year plus) unemployment fell 33,000 over the last 3 months to 866,000 and it is down 38,000 on the year
  • the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance fell 36,700 this month – the 13th consecutive fall
  • the number of young people claiming JSA fell for 18th month running

Background to labour market statistics: December 2013

This month’s Labour Force Survey covers August to October 2013. The claimant count is for November 2013 and the vacancy count for September to November 2013.

The number of people in work rose this quarter

The details are:

  • 30.09 million people were in work in August to October 2013
  • the employment level rose 250,000 on the previous quarter and 485,000 on the year
  • the employment rate is 72.0%, up 0.4 points on the quarter and up 0.8 points on the year

ILO unemployment fell this quarter

The details are:

  • 2.39 million people were ILO unemployed in August to October 2013, down 99,000 on the previous quarter and 121,000 on the year
  • the ILO unemployment rate is 7.4%, down 0.3 points on the quarter and down 0.5 points on the year

The level of economic inactivity is down on the quarter and on the year

The details are:

  • the economic inactivity level was 8.92 million in August to October 2013, down 45,000 on the previous quarter and 156,000 on the year
  • the economic inactivity rate is 22.1%, down 0.1 points on the quarter and down 0.4 points on the year
  • excluding students, inactivity as a share of the 16-64 population is 16.5%, unchanged on the quarter and down 0.6 points on the year

The number of people on JSA fell this month, and the number claiming one of the other main out-of-work benefits is also improving

The details are:

  • claimant unemployment was 1.269 million in November 2013, down 36,700 on the month and down 299,300 on the year
  • the claimant count rate is 3.8%, down 0.1 points on the month and down 0.9 points on the year
  • the figures continue to be affected by welfare reform, including re-assessment of existing claims for incapacity benefits and equalisation of the State Pension age
  • in the year to May 2013, the number claiming incapacity benefits fell 71,600 to 2.46 million – the most recent provisional figure for October 2013 suggests the caseload is at about the same level
  • in the year to May 2013, the number of lone parents on income support fell 77,400 to 500,000 – the provisional figure for October 2013 is 490,000

The number of redundancies fell and unfilled vacancies rose on the quarter

The details are:

  • there were 120,000 redundancies in August to October 2013, down 1,000 on the previous quarter and 27,000 on the year
  • the ONS vacancy survey estimates an average of 562,000 unfilled vacancies in the 3 months to November 2013, up 22,000 on the previous quarter and 73,000 on the year

Total weekly pay in October 2013 was up by 0.9% over the year

Growth in regular weekly pay, excluding bonuses, was up by 0.8% on the year.

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Published 18 December 2013