World news story

Referendum in Macedonia - technical assistance

UK contributes to donor-funded efforts that aim to ensure transparent communications, fair and free referendum process in September.

UK contributes to donor-funded efforts that aim to ensure transparent communications, fair and free referendum process in September.

UK contributes to donor-funded efforts that aim to ensure transparent communications, fair and free referendum process in September.

The UK has had a strong and supportive bilateral partnership with Macedonia since we established diplomatic relations 25 years ago. We want a stable and prosperous partner in Macedonia, which would not only benefit our two countries, but the region and Europe as a whole. Macedonia is an integral part of Europe. A strong, stable and prosperous Western Balkans benefits all European countries.

Just 18 months after Parliamentary elections, the UK wants to see the country continue on its positive path. Our hosting of the Western Balkans Summit in London in July was a clear demonstration of our ongoing commitment to improving the security and stability of the region.

A fair and free election process is a cornerstone of every democratic society, and as such is a pre-condition for political stability and development. Credible electoral and referendum process instill confidence in results. To make informed decisions about the future of their country, Macedonian citizens need relevant and factual information, and democratic, transparent and accountable referendum process.

The British Embassy Skopje contributes to a number of donor-funded efforts that aim to ensure transparent communications, and a fair and free referendum process this September. This includes:

  • Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) observer mission on the referendum, which is regular UK contribution to the ODIHR election observation mission for the Macedonian Referendum in September 2018

  • domestic monitoring of the referendum by the Citizen Association - MOST for democratic, transparent and accountable election process, building confidence and trust in institutions and civil society organisations

  • supporting an initiative led by Citizen Association - MOST on establishing an Information Centre on Euro-Atlantic Integration for timely, accurate and objective information on the Euro-Atlantic integrations and increased understanding and public dialogue on related integration issues

  • technical advice in support of the referendum. At the request of the Macedonian Government the UK is funding a small number of independent experts to offer technical advice in support of the referendum. They are a resource for the referendum task-force and operate entirely independently of the British Government. They stand ready to offer technical advice and support wherever it is most needed, including on communications and encouraging voter turnout

British Embassy Skopje works with Macedonia on various programmes ranging from reforms in public administration and judiciary, efficiency of Parliament, transparency and accountability of institutions, strengthening civil society and media. You can find more information about our programme work here

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Published 3 September 2018