Press release

Regulator welcomes Prime Minister and promotes vital role of charities

Commission also reports on its work over the past year and answer questions from attendees.

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The Charity Commission today welcomed the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Theresa May MP, as guest speaker to deliver the keynote speech and her first major speech of the new year, at its annual public meeting.

The public meeting was a major opportunity for attendees to hear the Prime Minister reveal her vision for social reform. Charity trustees, executives and advisers in attendance also heard the chairman, CEO and directors report on the Commission’s work over the last year along with its ambitions for the coming year. The regulator also launched a revised statement of regulatory approach which placed further emphasis on enabling trustees to govern their charities effectively.

William Shawcross, Chairman of the Charity Commission, said:

I was very proud to welcome the Prime Minister as our guest and honoured that she chose the Charity Commission’s public meeting to give such a significant speech. There could be no better indication of the importance of charities to this country, and of our responsibility as regulator.

Our annual public meeting is the time for the Commission to present the achievements of the past year and look to the future. As I begin my last year as chairman, I am pleased to set out the significant progress that we have made in delivering our strategy to be an engaged and effective risk-based regulator.

Eryl Besse, Deputy Chairman of the Charity Commission, said:

Over the last year we have continued to transform the way we work to operate in a more effective and efficient manner and made significant updates to the guidance we provide for trustees. This has already borne fruit for the Commission and charities.

Good governance and strong leadership within charities are imperative in securing public confidence; a vital part of this is enabling trustees to undertake their roles effectively. Today we have published an updated statement of regulatory approach, to place further emphasis on our enablement work and the support we provide for trustees.

The Commission’s new statement of regulatory approach can be found on GOV.UK.


PR 01/17

Notes to editors

  1. The Charity Commission is the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales. To find out more about our work, see our annual report.
  2. Search for charities on our online register.

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Published 9 January 2017