Reminder to sign in at every hearing
Recent joint working between LAA and HMCTS has identified the need for greater consistency across all courts in the way advocates sign in on all hearing days.

New guidance has been issued by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) to all court staff and the expectation is that counsel and defence practitioners will be required to sign in at every hearing.
This will improve the data within Common Platform and enable the Legal Aid Agency to process claims without the need to request an attendance note and delay any payments.
Evidence of attendance via the court log or attendance note is vital to ensure that the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) can evidence that payments are being made in compliance with the Criminal Procedure Rules. All payments must be evidenced for Crown Court hearings.
Detailed guidance for how to sign in is available on the HMCTS GOV.UK pages: Check in to a Common Platform hearing - GOV.UK (
Further information
Legal aid guidance page has the following resources:
Criminal Bills Assessment Manual
Regulatory links:
Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 – regulation 13(3)