Repeat burglar who attacked elderly woman receives increased sentence
A repeat burglar who attacked an elderly woman will spend longer in prison

A repeat burglar who assaulted an elderly woman in her home has had his sentence increased to 4 years and 6 months’ imprisonment as it was found to be unduly lenient after it was referred to the Court of Appeal.
Kyle Mark Thatcher, 30, committed three burglaries in Kent over a two-week period in April stealing thousands of pounds worth of goods. In the final burglary he attacked an 88-year-old woman who had disturbed him – pushing her over and causing an injury to her head.
At Canterbury Crown Court on 30 May 2022, he was sentenced to a prison sentence of 2 years and 8 months for the three domestic burglaries.
Following the sentencing, the then Solicitor General Alex Chalk MP, referred Thatcher’s sentence to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme as he felt that the original sentence was too low.
Thatcher’s original sentence was found to be unduly lenient by the Court on 6 September and was increased to 4 years 6 months’ imprisonment.
Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General Edward Timpson QC MP said:
Not only did Thatcher steal thousands of pounds worth of goods, he also injured a vulnerable woman trying to protect her home and belongings.
Those who break into people’s homes for their own personal gain need to face the appropriate punishment and the increase in Thatcher’s sentence sends that clear message.