World news story

Report on Land Occupation in Northern Province

The British High Commission funded a report on land mapping in the Northern Province and a documentary on returnees.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
British High Commisisoner James Dauris

British High Commisisoner James Dauris

The British High Commission in Colombo through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) funded a report on land mapping in the Northern Province and a documentary on returnees to Sampur by the Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Below are excerpts from a speech by H.E James Dauris at the launch of the report;

“We will all agree on the importance of reconciliation and of achieving just solutions to problems and issues that have arisen over time as direct and indirect consequences of conflict.

We are pleased to support this research and documentary on ‘Sampur’ which reflects our ambition and willingness to help Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans address complicated post-conflict challenges society faces. This is done both through sharing experiences and supporting work locally. Our support for work done by The HALO Trust to clear land of landmines is another example we are proud of.

Land is deeply and emotionally linked to family and identity. It is not just a socio-economic issue. Land issues unresolved can become major sources of discontent and inhibit efforts to reconcile people and heal wounds.

We warmly welcome the return of land by the Sri Lankan government to its rightful owners.”

The Documentary on Sampur can be viewed here

Published 7 April 2016