Press release

Residents invited to Leominster flood scheme information event

The Environment Agency is inviting local residents to discuss proposals to upgrade the existing flood alleviation scheme in Leominster

The drop-in style event will be held on Thursday 23 July 2015, from 3pm to 7:30pm at:

Grange Court
John Abel Room
Pinsley Road

The Leominster Flood Alleviation Scheme has been in operation since the 1970s to protect the town from flooding from the River Lugg. The existing scheme consists of raised embankments and walls throughout the town, and a bypass channel to the north.

The Environment Agency has undertaken a review to assess if the existing scheme is being utilised to its full potential, and assess options to improve protection from river flooding to properties in The Marsh area of Leominster.

The Environment Agency is proposing to upgrade the existing scheme to protect properties in line with modern standards. The proposed work will increase existing flood defence levels with a series of new flood walls and raised embankments.

The proposed improvements will help reduce flood risk for a significant number of properties in The Marsh area.

Staff from the Environment Agency and Herefordshire Council will be available at the drop-in session to inform the local community of the results of the review and discuss the proposed works. They will also be on hand to answer any other flood related questions that members of the public may have.

Phil Marsh from the Environment Agency said:

Our team has been busy reviewing the Leominster scheme and looking at viable options to make sure the scheme is in line with modern standards. The drop-in is an ideal opportunity to discuss the review and future options with us. It is important that we work with the local community to share information and ensure that those affected know what is happening.

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Published 14 July 2015