Response to an inaccurate article in The Daily Telegraph about the government's forthcoming planning reforms
Response to article in The Daily Telegraph, ‘New planning laws endanger wildlife sites’ 18 July 2011. A Department for Communities and Local…

Response to article in The Daily Telegraph, ‘New planning laws endanger wildlife sites’ 18 July 2011.
A Department for Communities and Local Government spokesman said:
The Coalition Government has no intention of weakening its commitment to the environment or removing protections that safeguard landscapes and preserve wildlife.
The Wildlife Trusts statement that the National Planning Policy Framework will dilute these protections is wrong. What we are doing is consolidating thousands of pages of Whitehall planning guidance into one clear, short document but not at the expense of the environment.
This clearer framework will continue and improve protections for wildlife sites for future generations while allowing for the creation of the new homes, jobs and businesses people want.