Riverside Resource Recovery Facility, Belvedere Permit Variation
Public Consultation is now open

The operators of Riverside Resource Recovery Facility have applied to the Environment Agency to vary the site’s current operational permit.
This will allow increased energy generation, an increase in the maximum amount of waste going through the system, and the use of more raw materials.
After the earlier public consultation in 2021 on their initial variation application, the Environment Agency is ‘minded to’ issue the permit variation. Before making its final decision, it is running a further period of public consultation for people and organisations to submit their views.
The consultation is now open and will run until Tuesday 9 August 2022.
See further information on the permit application, with details of how to take part in the consultation
Permit variation
If granted, the environmental permit variation will allow Riverside Resource Recovery Limited to:
Amend the energy generation limit from up to 72MW to ‘up to 80.5MW;
Increase the maximum amount of waste going through the system from 785,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) to 850,000 tpa;
Increase the annual amounts of some raw materials used.
Under the variation emission limit, values for releases to air will be reduced. This is due to the current technology of combustion control, abatement and monitoring which can achieve, and accurately monitor, much lower levels of emissions.
These changes together are called the Riverside Optimisation Project, or ROP.
An Environment Agency spokesperson said:
An environmental permit sets out stringent conditions that all waste sites must adhere to. We will not issue an environmental permit for a site if we consider that activities taking place will cause significant pollution to the environment or harm to human health.
Public consultation lets people and organisations take part in our decision making. We welcome specifically, comments on environmental and health issues and where people have particular local knowledge. We take all relevant comments into account when making our decisions.
When making permit decisions, we use information on the potential environmental and human health impacts of the activity.
In deciding whether or not to issue the permit, the Environment Agency will take into account all relevant considerations and legal requirements.
For further information, please email KSLE@environment-agency.gov.uk