Press release

Road closure for Norfolk flood repairs

Necessary repair work to flood defences along Engine Road, Ten Mile Bank will start on 29 June 2015.

It is anticipated that the works, immediately south of Ten Mile Bank village, Norfolk will take around 12 weeks; completing towards the end of September 2015.

The road will remain fully closed and impassable throughout the construction works. The road closure will be maintained by Jackson Hyder, a contractor carrying out the work on behalf of the Environment Agency.

Greg Murphy, Team Leader for the Environment Agency said:

We recognise there will be some disruption to the local community. We trust they will understand the need to undertake these works as soon as possible in order to finish before the next flood season, thereby reducing the flood risk to people and property. Support and patience is appreciated during this time.

The proposed works should not impact navigation although there is a risk that levels may need to be lowered if the current situation changes. There is currently an Advisory Navigation Notice in force.

Residents have been kept informed via a detailed update brief that was posted to them 24 June 2015.

The repairs

The works will start with the removal of the poplar trees along the section of the failed embankment.

Approximately 300 metres of steel sheet piling will then be installed along the river bank, between the edge of the road and the landward crest of the embankment, to stabilise the bank. The piles are vibrated into the ground using heavy machinery and it’s possible that residents nearby may detect a low hum when this work is underway. Noise levels will be continually checked to ensure the work causes as little disruption as possible. The works are likely to take between 2 to 3 weeks and there will be an increase in traffic movements during that period as the piles and other materials are brought onto site.

Following the piling the flood embankment will be repaired. Unsuitable material from the failed embankment will be removed and replaced with imported clay.

Repairs will also be made to the erosion protection along the river; rock and coir rolls will be used to encourage water vole colonisation.

Finally, subject to agreement with Norfolk County Council Highways, the highway will be repaired which will improve the road surfacing and drainage.

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Published 25 June 2015