Rooting for more girls and women in STEMM subjects
The workshop was attended by leading experts from India, UK and Australia.
![Women in STEMM trilateral workshop in New Delhi](
Women in STEMM trilateral workshop in New Delhi
A workshop organised by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Australian High Commission, and British High Commission discussed strategies to increase participation of women in STEMM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicines).
The workshop was aimed to initiate international dialogue on gender equality to help support cross national learning on gender equality issues in the three countries. It facilitated cross-sector discussions between senior leaders in universities, medical research institutions, government research agencies and entrepreneurs. The workshop also allowed representatives from Australia and the UK to share their experience and insights with their Indian colleagues based on their respective gender equality programs.
The workshop also aimed to identify practical tools to measure the impact of strategies to recruit, retain and advance girls and women in STEMM in education, research and industry.
British High Commissioner to India, Dominic Asquith said:
The British High Commission is delighted to sponsor and participate in this exciting trilateral initiative. STEMM education is not only the foundation stone of knowledge economies, it is a crucial route to empowerment and to leadership for women. The workshop is one of a number of initiatives the High Commission supports to encourage more girls and women take up STEMM and to increase the number of women in leadership roles. Other initiatives include–the ‘She Leads’ campaign focused on next generation female leaders and DFID programmes focusing on women and girls.
The workshop was attended by leading experts from India, UK and Australia. UK was represented by Dr. Julie Maxton, Executive Director, Royal Society, Dr. Barbara Croussouard, University of Sussex, Dr. Pavel Ovseiko, Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford, Dr June McCombie, University of Notthingham, Sowmya Parthasarthy, Ove Arup & Partners and Dr. Ruth E Gilligan, Equality Challenge Unit.
Further information
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