Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Mounts Bay in Bermuda
The Royal Naval support ship Royal Fleet Auxiliary Mounts Bay arrives in Bermuda on 15 December for a three day visit.

RFA Mounts Bay
RFA Mounts Bay has been on deployment to the region as part of her Atlantic Patrol Tasking (North) duties, to provide humanitarian and disaster relief for the UK’s Caribbean Overseas Territories and Bermuda.
This year RFA Mounts Bay has been in the Caribbean for hurricane season, ready to provide support at a moment’s notice. Tasked by the Royal Navy, she was the UK’s first military response to the Caribbean during Hurricanes Irma, Jose and Maria.
During the visit the Commanding Officer paid calls upon the Governor John Rankin and on Premier Burt. RFA Mounts Bay will also provide some logistical support to the Royal Bermuda Regiment and will host a Disaster Management Presentation of the vessels capabilities for members of Bermuda’s Emergency Measures Organisation – the primary organisation for Disaster Management co-ordination on island. RFA Mounts Bay will also host tours for the Bermuda Sea Cadets and the Bermuda Scouts Association.
The Governor for Bermuda, John Rankin CMG, commented on the visit:
We warmly welcome the first visit of RFA Mounts Bay to Bermuda. I saw at first hand her invaluable work on crisis preparedness and crisis response in the Caribbean during the recent Hurricanes. I have no doubt that her presence in the affected areas in the immediate aftermath of the recent storms saved lives for which we are all eternally grateful. Thankfully, Mounts Bay visits us in calmer conditions and her visit provides a great opportunity for the sharing of experiences and capabilities between our own Emergency Measures Organisation and that of the RFA Mounts Bay itself. This can only help to strengthen our preparations should such extreme weather conditions befall Bermuda in the future.
Notes for editors
RFA Mounts Bay (L3008) is one of three Landing Ship Docks (Auxiliary) and was built by BAE (Naval Ships) at Govan on the River Clyde
launched by Lady Band in April 2004, she was the first Bay class vessel, and following extensive sea trials was accepted into service in July 2006
a formal service of dedication took place in September of that year to mark the Transfer of Operational Command to Fleet, with the ship honoured by the attendance of her sponsor Lady Sarah Band and her husband, Admiral Sir Jonathon Band, former First Sea Lord
the summer of 2007 saw RFA Mounts Bay receive the great privilege of the Honorary Freedom of her affiliated town, Falmouth and she continues to maintain close links with the Cornish region
so far during operational Service, RFA Mounts Bay has already played a key role in many amphibious exercises, including operations off Sierra Leone, the Baltic Regions and also many more, closer to home, around the coast of the United Kingdom and Western Europe
For more information see RFA Mounts Bay