RPA to provide 2015 BPS payment date certainty for farmers
Rural Payments Agency contacting farmers this month

Throughout March the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will be contacting farmers who have not yet received their 2015 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payment to provide greater clarity on when they will be paid.
Farmers have said they would benefit from more certainty regarding when they will receive their payment so the RPA will now provide a more precise period in which they can expect to be paid. This period will vary depending on the circumstances of each claim.
Farmers will receive an email (or letter if they don’t have an email address registered in the Rural Payments service) during March, and the RPA aim to have contacted everyone by the end of this month.
The RPA would like to remind people to ensure that their registered email address in the Rural Payments service is correct and if it isn’t to amend it using the service.