RSH launches second round of consumer inspection pilots
The pilots will enable the regulator to test and refine its approach to consumer inspections, before rolling them out to social landlords from April 2024.

The Regulator of Social Housing has today (4 April 2023) announced the second wave of consumer inspection pilots. This is an important step in preparing for new consumer regulation, which will include regular inspections of social landlords from April 2024 and give RSH stronger powers to hold landlords to account.
The pilots will enable the regulator to test and refine its approach to inspections, before rolling them out to social landlords (including housing associations and councils) next year.
The landlords involved in the second wave are the Aster Group, Leeds Federated Housing Association, Accent Group and Wythenshawe Community Housing Group. This follows a first wave of pilots earlier in the year with seven landlords, which have now concluded. The regulator will continue to test its approach through pilots with councils and housing associations, and use the outcomes to help shape the final inspection programme.
The inspections are an important part of the measures being introduced via the Social Housing Regulation Bill, which is in its final stages in Parliament. They will build on the regulator’s existing rigorous, in-depth assessments that scrutinise landlords’ compliance with the economic standards.
The regulator has already made significant progress in getting ready for new consumer regulation, including the introduction of Tenant Satisfaction Measures on 1 April 2023. All social landlords now need to start collecting data from their tenants about the quality of their services – including repairs and complaint handling – and large landlords with over 1,000 homes will need to submit the results to the regulator every year.
The regulator will continue its work to prepare for new consumer regulation over the next 12 months. Another key milestone will come in summer 2023, when the regulator intends to launch its consultation on the revised consumer standards.
Fiona MacGregor, chief executive of RSH, said
We are gearing up for new consumer regulation, which is now less than one year away. Inspections will be a cornerstone of this new framework, and the pilots are an important way for us to test and develop our approach.
Tenants deserve quality services from their landlords, and homes that are safe and of a decent standard. Our message to all social landlords is clear: don’t wait for us to inspect you; act now to put things right if there are issues in your organisation.
Notes to editors
The registered providers included in the first wave of pilots were Bernicia Homes, Brunelcare, Cheshire Peaks and Plains, Eastbourne Borough Council, Folkestone and Hythe Council, Guinness Housing Association and Torus62.
From 1 April 2023 all registered providers of social housing needed to start collecting TSM data. More information about the TSMs is available on the regulator’s TSM consultation page.
RSH promotes a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver and maintain homes of appropriate quality that meet a range of needs. It does this by undertaking robust economic regulation focusing on governance, financial viability and value for money that maintains lender confidence and protects the taxpayer. It also sets consumer standards and may take action if these standards are breached and there is a significant risk of serious detriment to tenants or potential tenants.
Once the Social Housing Regulation Bill has become law, the government must also issue new Directions to RSH to enable it to deliver new consumer regulation.
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