Sajid Javid appoints Ofcom Board Members
Deputy Chair and 2 new Board Members appointed with 3 Board Members offered further terms of appointment.

Sajid Javid has appointed The Baroness Noakes DBE as the Deputy Chair, and Stephen Hill and Graham Mather as Board Members, each for a term of 4 years. Baroness Noakes and Graham Mather will take up their roles on 1 June 2014, and Stephen Hill will begin on 1 October 2014.
Dame Lynne Brindley DBE has been reappointed until 31 August 2017, and Tim Gardam and Mike McTighe have had their terms extended until 31 December 2015.
Biographical details
Baroness Noakes
Baroness Noakes is a qualified chartered accountant and previously headed KPMG’s European and International Government practices. She has also been President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Baroness Noakes was appointed to the House of Lords in 2000. She is an experienced non-executive director and her current directorships include the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, where she chairs its Risk Committee.
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill has held various senior board positions including Chief Executive of the Financial Times, Chief Executive of Betfair, and a non-executive director of Channel 4. He is currently Chairman of the UK charity Action on Hearing Loss and Chairman and Chief Executive of D’Aval Limited, a private investment company.
Graham Mather
Graham Mather was a member of Ofcom’s Consumer Panel from 2004 to 2008. He served as a member of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and, between 2000 and 2012, was also member of the Competition Appeal Tribunal, the body that deals with appeals from the UK regulators. Graham is currently the President of the European Policy Forum and Chairman of its Regulatory Best Practice Group.
Dame Lynne Brindley DBE
Dame Lynne Brindley DBE became Master of Pembroke College, Oxford University, in August 2013. She was Chief Executive of the British Library from 2000-2012, and before that was Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Leeds. Lynne has also been a senior consultant with KPMG, and held leadership positions in information technology and knowledge management at Aston University and at the London School of Economics.
Tim Gardam
Tim Gardam has been the Principal of St Anne’s College, Oxford since 2004. Before this, he had a 25 year career in broadcasting, starting at the BBC where he rose to become Head of Current Affairs and Weekly News. He was a part of the first senior management team at Five, and has also been Director of Programmes at Channel Four. He was the author of the DCMS Review of BBC Digital Radio Services in 2004, a member of Lord Burns’s Advisory Panel on the BBC Charter Review, and a Director of SMG plc from 2005-7. He established and is now Chair of Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. In addition to his role on the main board, Tim is currently chairman of Ofcom’s Content Board.
Mike McTighe
Mike McTighe has held a number of directorships, and is currently Chairman of WYG plc. He was Chairman of Volex Group plc until 2013, and Chairman of JJB Sports until 2012. He was previously Chairman & CEO of Carrier1 International SA, and before that Executive Director & Chief Executive (Global Operations) at Cable & Wireless plc. His earlier career was spent with GE, Motorola and Phillips.
Notes for Editors
Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications, wireless communications and postal services.
For further information about Ofcom please visit Ofcom