Salmovac 440 Product defect recall alert
Product defect recall alert for Salmovac 440 (Vm 15052/4160) by Ceva Animal Health Ltd.

We wish to make veterinary surgeons aware that Ceva Animal Health Ltd has initiated a Class II recall to veterinary level for the product Salmovac 440.
Following testing Ceva Animal Health Ltd have confirmed that Batch No. 3000520B with an Expiry date of 11 December 2021 has live bacterial count values (potency) below the authorised specification and there is potential for a lack of efficacy.
Ceva Animal Health Ltd is contacting veterinary surgeons to examine inventory immediately and quarantine products subject to this recall.
For further information regarding the recall please contact Ms Helen Houghton, Poultry Business Unit Manager Tel: 01494 781510.