Scottish Seafood Industry Action Group Meets
UK Government Minister for Scotland David Duguid has inaugurated the Scottish Seafood Industry Action Group.

The Action Group, the long-planned successor to the Scottish Seafood Exports Task Force, met virtually this week. Issues discussed included the EU’s decision to delay implementing new regulations around export certification until next year and the industry’s concerns about a shortage of labour in the processing sector.
The Minister said:
The Scottish Seafood Exports Task Force wound up earlier this year after six months of hard work between government and industry which delivered a range of successes on issues, including digitisation of paperwork and delays at export hubs.
So successful was the format in delivering results for an industry essential to many of our coastal communities, I believe the new Action Group can use a similar structure to help maximise the opportunities for Scottish seafood.
The Action Group is hosted by the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and brings key figures from the seafood industry together with ministers and officials from the UK Government. Scottish Government officials and ministers are core members.
The Minister added:
There was good news on progress on digitisation of paperwork for exporters and we are raising concerns with the EU about plans that would mean each animal for live export would have to be counted, possibly adding unnecessary stress for shellfish such as crabs and lobster.
A priority for the industry is the issue of labour shortages and this is something we are in the process of considering.
The Scottish Seafood Exports Taskforce, was hosted by the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and chaired by Minister Duguid.
The taskforce’s remit was to be an overarching body delivering action on medium to long-term issues for the industry, and to complement Government engagement with the sector with the aim of increasing confidence in the seafood and aquaculture supply chains.
Its final report was published last week.
Before the taskforce wound up, the format of the new Scottish Seafood Industry Action Group was formulated
The Action Group features a core membership drawn from the catching, processing, exporting and aquaculture sections of industry and can invite industry experts and specialists to join on an ad hoc basis. It features ministers and officials from both the UK Government and Scottish Government.