Search for head of the new Brexit Opportunities Unit begins
Recruitment is underway for the Director of the Government’s Brexit Opportunities Unit.

Recruitment is underway for the Director of the Government’s Brexit Opportunities Unit.
Lord Frost, at the request of the Prime Minister, is leading the work to make the most of the economic and political opportunities of Brexit – making sure the policy, laws and regulations are helping to boost growth, drive forward innovation and increase competition in the UK.
A new Brexit Opportunities Unit has been established to support him in this work. The new Cabinet Office unit will play a crucial role in setting the strategy for the Government’s ambitious approach to regulation, reviewing and reforming existing policy and regulation, and supporting the scrutiny and introduction of new regulation.
Its work will build on progress made since the end of the Transition Period, including regulations to access global talent and forging new trade deals around the world.
The Government is looking for a talented individual to lead the team, who has experience in economics, regulation or business and can challenge policy and produce creative new initiatives.
They will develop a cross-government strategy for regulatory change, while driving policy development on new opportunities across Whitehall, working with relevant Cabinet committees.
The team will be made up of a wide range of experts from inside and outside of government and will engage with external stakeholders across industry, academia and wider civil society to meet its objectives.
Cabinet Minister Lord David Frost said:
With the UK-EU trade agreement now ratified, we have a unique opportunity to do things in the best interests of the UK and our citizens.
The new Brexit Opportunities Unit will review and reshape rules and regulations to boost growth and drive forward innovation, working across government on policies to maximise new opportunities from Brexit as an independent nation.
We’re looking for a visionary, inventive and dedicated leader to come on board to help us shape the future policy direction of the UK.
The Government is also hiring a Deputy Director for Strategy and Analysis to join the team.
The search comes as the independent report from the Taskforce for Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform is published today (Wednesday 16 June). It makes recommendations for how the UK can take advantage of our newfound regulatory freedoms and stimulate growth, innovation and competition across the economy, as we seize opportunities outside the EU.