Second Voluntary & Community sector round-table
Kris Hopkins MP chaired the event, which was hosted by Stepping Stones NI.

Today Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Kris Hopkins, attended the second in a series of round-tables with the voluntary and community sector, hosted by Stepping Stones in Lisburn.
These events are intended to provide an opportunity for the sector to focus in more detail on priorities in relation to EU Exit.

Minister Hopkins said:
I am very pleased to be here today chairing this round-table with the voluntary and community sector. It is vital the voices of these groups are heard as we work to deliver the best possible EU exit deal for every part of the UK.
Today, the round-table considered the theme of Employment, Social Mobility and Social Security, with particular focus on European funding. Many organisations in the voluntary and community sector have been at the heart of delivering important services around employment and skills, and I want to take this opportunity to recognise the contribution that they have made in supporting and empowering the people they serve.
My ministerial colleagues and I look forward to continuing these discussions with the sector through a number of other round-tables over the next few months.