Secretary of State extends Walter Merricks' term at the Gambling Commission
The Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP has extended Walter Merricks’ term as Commissioner of the Gambling Commission for one year, ending on 31 December 2017.
Walter Merricks OBE
Walter Merricks qualified as a solicitor. He chairs the boards of IMPRESS, the independent monitor for the press, and JUSTICE, the law reform charity. He is the proposed class representative on behalf of 46m consumers in a £14bn claim against MasterCard Inc.
He was the inaugural Chief Ombudsman of the Financial Ombudsman Service leading the organisation for 10 years, and subsequently served on the board of Ombudsman Services, the dispute resolver for the telecoms, energy and property sectors.
He is Service Complaint Reviewer for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and was previously Reviewer for the Legal Ombudsman.
He was awarded the CBE in 2007 for his contribution to financial services.
This role is remunerated at £295.20 per day.
This extension has been made in accordance with the OCPA Code of Practice. It is a requirement of the Code that political activity over the last five years is declared. Walter Merricks has declared that he has undertaken no such political activity.