Press release

Secretary of State welcomes launch of interfaith website

Eric Pickles welcomes launch of new website dedicated to promoting tolerance and understanding of faith and the work of interfaith organisations.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Inter Faith Week 2014 launch

Communities Secretary and Minister for Faith Eric Pickles welcomed the launch of a new website dedicated to promoting tolerance and understanding of faith and the work of interfaith organisations.

The new section to the Jewish News website will be the first of its kind hosted by a single-faith newspaper in the UK and will provide a dedicated space for news, features and opinion covering faith and interfaith organisations and initiatives.

The new interfaith website section has been produced by Jewish News in association with the Pears Foundation.

The launch of the dedicated website section is to coincide with Inter Faith Week 2014 and was conceived in the wake of an increase in anti-semitic incidences over the summer.

Eric Pickles said:

I congratulate Jewish News for their new website, which will share stories about the great work people of different faiths are achieving together in communities across the country.

This type of interfaith collaboration will help build friendships and understanding, and strengthen the best British traditions of tolerance and respect for each other’s beliefs.

Jewish News editor Richard Ferrer said:

The new interfaith channel aims to be a place for people of all religions and none to celebrate similarities, debate differences and tackle issues of common concern. A place where bridges can be built and new relationships and friendships can blossom.

Trevor Pears, Executive Chair of the Pears Foundation, said:

We are delighted to be supporting this excellent forward thinking initiative, which gives much needed additional voice to the positive inter-faith work happening in our communities.

Inter Faith Week is held every November by the Inter Faith Network to bring people of different faiths together to serve their communities and learn more about each other. DCLG is investing £440,000 over 2 years in the Inter Faith Network to promote strong and sustainable relations between different faith communities.

This year’s Inter Faith Week was kicked off by Mitzvah Day. Mitzvah Day is an annual event which galvanises participants – regardless of age, faith, gender or socio-economic position – to donate their time and energy to a diverse range of causes that make a difference to those in need around the world.

Photo credit: Myles Fisher for The Inter Faith Network.

Further information

Inter Faith Week is part of the government’s wider programme designed to support stronger communities. This includes the Near Neighbours programme where 692 projects across the country have been funded to get people of different faiths working together to improve their neighbourhood.

Pears Foundation is a British family foundation whose programmes are rooted in social justice, individual responsibility and the imperative to make a positive difference. The Foundation aims to create meaningful social change, increase respect and understanding and inspire people to support their communities and the causes they care about.

Jewish News is a weekly newspaper which caters for the Jewish Community in Britain.

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Published 21 November 2014