Sellafield Christmas Appeal helps make Christmas wishes come true
Employees at Sellafield have donated gifts, food and cash to 4 charities, as part of our 2023 Christmas Toy Appeal

The Family Action team based in West Cumberland
Another brilliant fundraising effort by our employees and supply chain colleagues and partners, who have helped to support our local communities in West Cumberland and Warrington, to ensure no children are left without a present this Christmas.
The main Christmas charity that was supported in Cumbria was Family Action, who have worked with the local council to ensure gifts donated are given to families in need in West Cumberland.
Kerry Jewell, Family Action, said:
We are overwhelmed with the contribution of gifts and toys from businesses and people in our local community. The way the appeal is coordinated, and a joint effort is what makes it so successful.
The quality of gifts donated is fantastic and will make a huge difference to those children who would have, without our help, received very little or nothing at all on Christmas morning.
In addition to the collection of toys and gifts from multiple locations, our Social Impact Multiplied (SiX) Programme, has purchased 120 fruit and veg hampers and 195 meat vouchers for families struggling in West Cumberland and funding for gifts, nightwear, and vouchers for older children.
Nathan Adair, social impact manager, Sellafield Ltd, said:
Hopefully this will bring a little bit of cheer at Christmas to those families who are most affected by increasingly difficult economic conditions.
I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the campaign, as this would not be possible without the generosity of our workforce, supply chain colleagues and partners.
The Warrington offices appeal has contributed to the Warrington Christmas Appeal, supporting the most vulnerable families in their community.
Mike Ruck, co-ordinating the Warrington appeal and Warrington Open Door at Christmas, said:
The appeal has helped to stop duplication of effort across the town, as well as help people who haven’t been supported before, such as young care leavers and countless parents who whilst already having jobs are simply finding it extremely difficult to make ends meet before the stresses and strains of Christmas.
We set up a shop within the centre of Warrington, where families could choose several gifts, a book, stocking filler and pyjamas, giving them the opportunity to choose what their children would like, rather than just being given a bag of gifts with the hope being it provides a more dignified experience.
Whilst it is early days and Christmas is on the horizon and approaching fast, in the last 2 weeks the appeal has already helped over 1,000 children and with the final numbers only being available after Christmas the expectation is that the appeal will support near on 2,000 children in Warrington.
We have received some fantastic feedback already from parents and guardians when collecting the gifts, a lot of which have heart breaking stories behind them.
One example that highlights the need for the appeal is a young couple with 2 primary school age children, both parents work however after a rent increase, the cost of everyday items going up it’s made it impossible for them to save or have any spare budget for presents and without the appeal I’m unsure if either child would have had anything to open on Christmas day.
We have also contributed to ‘Warrington Open Door at Christmas’ who provide safe shelter, food and companionship to the homeless, lonely and vulnerable over the Christmas period and to the ‘Room at the Inn’ and the Y project, who provide daytime services to the homeless and emergency accommodation.
Mitie and Petersons, our supply chain colleagues have provided logistical support in collecting and delivering the gifts and food.
Further information on the charities involved
Room at the Inn and the Y Project