News story

Seminar by Realia Capital Management in Ekaterinburg

Realia Capital Management and UKTI team in Ekaterinburg organised a seminar "Land of Stability - Great Britain".

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Seminar by Realia Capital Management in Ekaterinburg

Realia Capital Management and UKTI team in Ekaterinburg organised a seminar "Land of Stability - Great Britain".

The seminar was dedicated to various aspects of investment, real estate and education in the UK.

The event took place at the residence of the Consul General in Ekaterinburg, James McGuire, who opened the seminar by a welcome speech. In his speech he noted that Great Britain is a great place to visit, live, study and do business. He mentioned trustworthy legal system, attractive tax regime and well-developed transport and telecom infrastructure as some of the advantages of the UK. Its cultural heritage and education system were also named as part of the country attractiveness.

Alongside Realia Capital Management three other speakers made their presentations at the seminar – law firm Salans, private bank Julius Baer and real estate agency Remax. The participants – some of which already have offices in Russia - expressed their interest in further developing their links and presence in Ekaterinburg and other Russian regions.

The seminar was followed by a networking reception where guests could taste the famous Scotch whisky Glenfiddich and excellent English tea by Newby.


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Published 28 March 2013