Seminar: Commissioning to transform liaison and diversion services (5 Nov 2014)
An overview of this Academy for Justice Commissioning evening seminar, including the speakers' presentations.

This seminar featured:
- David Burton, Liaison and Diversion Programme Director, NHS England
- Chief Superintendent Chris Bourlet, Health in the Justice System Team, NHS England (London area)
- Linda Bryant, Head of Criminal Justice Services, Together for Mental Wellbeing
NHS England is trialing a new model for liaison and diversion services in 10 separate areas with the aim of rolling out the model across England by 2017 to 2018, subject to approval from HM Treasury. The model is being independently evaluated which will support the full business case when seeking HM Treasury approval.
This seminar gave an overview of the new liaison and diversion model and the benefits it provides to the criminal justice system. We heard from the London liaison and diversion trial scheme on how they are implementing the model in police custody and courts and how they work in partnership with health and justice agencies.
We also heard from a service user who talked about the benefits of this new model and how it is improving the health and wellbeing of those in need.