Senior Traffic Commissioner outlines proposals to help operators with no deal EU exit
Guidance will set out options for standard operators to meet financial standing requirements in the event of no deal.

The Senior Traffic Commissioner is today (22 October 2019) outlining proposals for additional guidance for standard licence holders on meeting financial standing, should the UK exit the EU without a deal.
In that scenario, traffic commissioners will look to assist responsible businesses, particularly smaller operators, who are experiencing short term issues meeting the mandatory financial requirement.
The guidance will encourage traffic commissioners to approve requests from standard licence holders for a period of grace, provided there are no other outstanding road safety issues.
A period of grace gives time to operators who are experiencing issues with the availability of finance.
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the guidance will apply for six months.
The Senior Traffic Commissioner’s guidance helps lorry, bus and coach operators to manage their commercial vehicle activities.
Hauliers and commercial drivers will also need new documents in a no deal Brexit. Check