Sham supervision by EU lawyers in providing immigration advice
Rochdale company director claiming supervision by European lawyers convicted for providing illegal immigration advice

Mr Tariq Hussain, aged 34 years of Livesy Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, was, on 16 April 2018, fined £600 and ordered to pay £1999 compensation at Manchester Crown Court, having pleaded guilty to 3 charges of providing unregulated immigration advice.
Mr Hussain was the company director of Immigration Assistance Services Ltd, Milkstone Road, Rochdale where clients met him to discuss their immigration issues. Mr Hussain had misrepresented his company as being qualified to provide immigration advice and services by virtue of being supervised by a number of unqualified persons. Mr Hussain stated he had been provided supervision at any one time by three companies, including one based in Malta, another in Peterborough and a London firm headed by a lawyer based in Romania. The prosecution was brought by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner as the claimed supervision was a sham. Despite this being highlighted to Tariq Hussain, he, nonetheless, chose to continue to seek to provide immigration advice whilst exploiting ‘Surinder Singh’ applications to the Irish authorities.
In sentencing, HHJ Lawton, said, “You set up a company providing immigration advice and by your plea today acknowledge your neglect in the supervision claimed. You put an artificial gloss on your claim to supervision to enable your company to provide immigration advice. You have pleaded guilty and I bear in mind persons have lost money”
Speaking about the decision, the Deputy Immigration Services Commissioner, Ian Leigh, said, “We have clear standards outlining what we expect in terms of the fitness and competence of regulated advisers. Tariq Hussain chose to operate outside the law. I am delighted with the outcome of this case, and I hope this sends a clear message to other people considering providing immigration advice under sham supervision arrangements. Either act within the law or you will find yourself in court.”