Shelley Community Association wins Prime Minister’s Big Society Award
Shelley Community Association, a voluntary organisation that represents and brings together residents of the Yorkshire village of Shelley - is the latest winner of the Prime Minister's Big Society Award.

Shelley Community Association, a voluntary organisation that represents and brings together residents of the Yorkshire village of Shelley - is the latest winner of the Prime Minister’s Big Society Award.
Shelley Community Association runs the village hall, promotes networking between different village groups, residents and public bodies and supports the village in numerous ways including a village magazine and web site, arranging for the Post Office to operate from the village hall, establishing a village green and organising a host of community events.
Congratulating Shelley Community Association, the Prime Minister said:
Shelley Community Association has given its residents something very special - the chance to become more involved in their village, strengthen their community and improve life for them and their fellow villagers. With its numerous clubs and social events, this strong, active community, is an excellent example of the Big Society.
Congratulations to all those involved in the Association for making Shelley the thriving village that it is.
Ann Priestman from Shelley Community Association said:
Our visitors call us ‘The Friendly village’ - that’ll do for us! We have total inclusion, and this is a stimulating and invigorating environment where talents as well as issues surface and are utilised to enhance the well-being of everyone in this village. In fact in this village you need an hourly diary! How many other 80 year olds complain of being double booked most days! And they are often the volunteers!
You will never have been in a village which is so co-operative in such a personal way, across generations, groups, public services, and out to our businesses. It is astounding how beneficial that personal network is.
We are delighted to win this award - we all knew we were the Big Society in practice - and for the Prime Minister to appreciate us in this way recognises the dynamism of our volunteers in every capacity and their commitment to improve the lives and environment of themselves and their neighbours, work which is not done for achievement but for satisfaction. We are very satisfied!
Shelley Community Association:
Shelley Community Association is the umbrella organisation for a number of groups in Shelley village, including an Over 60s group, an environmental group, sports, art and drama clubs and much more.
The Association also runs its own events including a biennial Garden Festival, concerts, plays, dances and a New Years Day Welly Walk.
Shelley won Yorkshire and Northern Village of the Year in 2004.
Read more: Shelly Community Association
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