World news story

SIN Russia goes on Kazan mission

In early December SIN Russia visited Kazan as part of a wider UKTI delegation led by Minister-Counsellor (Economic, Trade & Investment) Barbara Habberjam.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Embassy’s Science and Innovation team met representatives of the Tatarstan Ministry of Education and Science and the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (TAS). It is not the first time SIN Russia ventured into a region known for its thriving economy and consistent investment into innovation; over the years the Embassy’s SIN team has developed links with the local science community and last year organised the highly successful Frontiers of Science Forum in Kazan.

During the meeting with members of TAS, SIN Russia discussed opportunities for collaboration between TAS and the Royal Society and beyond. Minister Counsellor Barbara Habberjam, SIN Head Gareth Wynn Owen and the TAS Vice Presidents expressed hope that the UK and Tatarstan could pursue joint research cooperation in the future. At the Republic’s Education and Science Ministry prospects for closer cooperation in higher education, and e-learning in particular, were also explored.

The visit proved highly fruitful, helping SIN Russia strengthen ties with the Republic of Tatarstan and its key stakeholders. Later on in 2015 SIN Russia will work with the Royal Society to organise a visit to the UK by the Tatarstan Academy of Science.

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Published 24 December 2014