Six C’est Pharma Products Seized
Pigeon products from Romania seized at East Midlands Airport.

A package was identified by a courier company based at a depot in the East Midlands.
The package arrived from Romania containing products destined for a supplier based in Sheffield.
The package was detained and subsequently seized by an inspector from the VMD.
The following products all manufactured by C’est Pharma in Romania, were seized:
- 12 x 600g Tubs of Energy Plus
- 12 x 500ml bottles of Tricogo
- 5 x 4 sachet boxes of Ronidazole 10%
- 3 x 4 sachet boxes of Tricoplus
- 10 x 20ml bottle of ParaProtect
- 1 x 5ml container of Tricogo
These products were intended for use in pigeons. None of these products were compliant with Schedule 6 (Exemption for small animals) and are not authorised for use in GB or NI.
The package was seized under Regulation 25 (Importation of unauthorised veterinary medicinal products) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.