Press release

Slough Flood Alleviation Scheme: have your say

The Environment Agency and Slough Borough Council want comments on the potential options for a proposed flood alleviation scheme in Slough.

The Environment Agency and Slough Borough Council are offering local residents, businesses and community groups the chance to comment on potential options for a proposed flood alleviation scheme in Slough.

There are over 2,500 properties at risk of river and surface water flooding in Slough with floods experienced as recently as 2009, 2012 and 2014.

The Environment Agency and Slough Borough Council have been investigating whether there are technically and economically viable options for reducing the risk of river and surface water flooding within the catchments of the Chalvey Ditch, Salt Hill Stream and Datchet Common Brook.

They are asking for feedback from the community by 2 October 2015 to help them decide which of these options will be used to develop a business case for the scheme. The business case will test whether any of the proposed options are technically and economically viable.

David Bedlington, Flood and Coastal Risk Manager at the Environment Agency said:

We have been working hard with Slough Borough Council to identify ways to potentially reduce flood risk. We hope as many people as possible take the opportunity to review these options and provide us with their thoughts and comments.

Ian Sivyer, Flood Management Team Leader at Slough Borough Council also said:

Slough Borough Council is delighted to be working in partnership with the Environment Agency to help create a scheme that, if implemented, will reduce the risk of flooding across most of Slough. Please do take the time to comment and help to make a difference.

The options, which include the creation of flood storage areas and raised flood defences, are available to view with maps of their potential locations on the Slough flood scheme web page.

You can provide comments by either emailing: or by calling 03708 506 506.

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Published 1 September 2015