SME innovation awards celebrate success
22 companies have been shortlisted for Innovate UK’s first SME innovation awards.

Watch out for the winners on 13 October!
The awards aim to recognise examples of innovation excellence among the projects funded by Innovate UK. The awards celebrate projects and companies that demonstrate the impact of innovation on business growth and driving the economy, and can inspire others.
There are 5 categories:
innovation leading to business transformation
innovation leading to new markets
innovation leading to productivity improvement
innovation attracting investment
the inspirational innovation award
The companies shortlisted are:
Innovation leading to business transformation
Cell Medica, Cybula, iGeolise, Oxis Energy and Fibre Extrusion Technology
Innovation leading to new markets
Ashwoods Automotive, ASV, Cobalt Light Systems, Fuel3D, Quadralene and Sky Medical
Innovation leading to productivity improvement
Endomagnetics, NquiringMinds, Rotite Technologies, V-Connect and Zoo Digital
Innovation attracting investment
Atlas Genetics, Discuva, Magnomatics, Snap Fashion and Tokamak Energy
The inspirational innovation award
Ashwoods Automotive, Endomagnetics, iGeolise, Oxis Energy, Polyphotonix, Sky Medical and Snap Fashion
The winners will be announced at a showcase event at the House of Commons on 13 October.