Soaring Lottery ticket sales could mean £200 million more for the arts
Well over £200 million more than expected should go to the arts over the next five years, Culture Minister Ed Vaizey announced today.

Of this, around £160 million more should go to Arts Council England (ACE) because of increased National Lottery ticket sales,
The Minister revealed that the latest projections are that £1.25 billion of National Lottery income is expected to go to Arts Council England (ACE), and around £240 million to the British Film Institute (BFI) between 2012/13 and 2016/17. This is a significant increase on estimates made at the time of the comprehensive spending review in October 2010.
Mr Vaizey said: “In a time of economic uncertainty, the arts are more important than ever. The cultural value is immeasurable and we are in no doubt about the contributions that the arts make to our economy, our communities, our schools, and our wellbeing.
“It is a sign of the Government’s commitment that in a time of economic austerity, we have been able to limit the reduction in arts funding via the Arts Council to less than five per cent in real terms. We reformed the National Lottery so that the arts, film, sports and heritage would all benefit. The increase in ticket revenue is great news for artists and audiences across the country.”
The total funding now expected to go the Arts Council England is £2.3 billion over the next four years, combining grant in aid and projected income from the National Lottery.
Arts, sport and heritage were already set for a major boost in Lottery revenues following changes to the way cash is distributed announced in 2010. Each has seen their share of available money increase from 16.6 per cent to 20 per cent from April this year.
As a result of increased sales, a higher share of the total and the end of the transfer of funding for Olympic costs, ACE could see its funding from the Lottery more than double from the £123 million it received in 2010/11.
Notes to editors
Ed Vaizey spoke at the State of the Arts conference in Salford on 14 February. The full text of Ed Vaizey’s speech.
December 2011 projections of National Lottery income :
All figures in £ million 2012/13: 1626 2013/14: 1804 2014/15: 1814 2015/16: 1832 2016/17: 1841
Net of Olympic transfers
- September 2010 projections of National Lottery funding:
All figures in £ million 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/6 2016/17
1394* 1584 1593 1595 1595 *Net of Olympic transfers
- The figures in the text have been calculated using these projections and the relevant shares of Lottery funding for good causes and distributors. National Lottery income is dependent on ticket sales and projections are intended as a guide based on past sales levels. They are not a formal forecast or an indication of Camelot’s commercial plans or intelligence.
5. Arts Council England funding total - Grant in Aid and projected Lottery income 2010/11 to 2014/15:
Baseline: 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 213/14 2014/15
Baseline 571,956 586,827 602,671 617,738 633,181
Cash 571,956 570,729 591,179 603,620 602,393
Real term % change 0.00% -2.74% -1.91% -2.29% -4.86%
Cash % change 0.00% -0.21% 3.36% 5.54% 5.32%
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