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Space for Smarter Government (SSGP) winners announced

SSGP is a UK Space Agency led and funded programme delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult.

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Flood extent for Carlisle, resulting from Storm Desmond (Dec 2016)

Flood extent for Carlisle, resulting from Storm Desmond (Dec 2016) (Ambiental)

We are pleased to announce our 3 latest competition winners for our Phase 2 SBRI competition:

• Space applications for precision plant health information, response and evaluation (SAPPHIRE) Rezatec are running this project, alongside Forest Research –the research agency of the Forestry Commission to show how earth observations and satellite applications can best contribute to modelling and monitoring plant health to enhance the delivery of UK plant health policy. Building on their Phase 1 project, their market-ready demonstrator product will identify the abundance and distribution of an expanded set of tree species and their typical annual phenological patterns. This project will allow Forest Research to undertake much more efficient tree-health mapping, and will also have opportunities for the private sector in the UK and abroad.

• National flood warning and mitigation service Telespazio VEGA Ltd and Ambiental have formed a consortium to deliver this fully scalable flood management and mitigation service which augments the current national procedures. The project will address specific challenges articulated by the Met Office, Environment Agency and Cabinet Office during Phase 1. An integrated web mapping service will use satellite data to produce twice daily delineated flood extents, including urban regions and will be able to provide near real time flood forecast updates during an incident, it will also be able to exploit crowd sourced data and drone imagery for even greater real-time in situ visualisation. The service has the scope to become a critical tool in UK flood crises.

• Developing a scalable EO peatland assessment service This project, run by Rezatec, will create a scaled, enhanced and commercialised EO-derived tool to allow Scottish Water (a public owned company answerable to the Scottish Parliament) to reduce their operational costs in assessing, restoring and monitoring peat. Benefits will include improvements to water quality and reduce costs associated with water treatment works. Other organisations in the UK and abroad will also have an interest in the commercialised solution.

If you would like further information on the Programme, our competition winners or our case-studies please visit the Programme website

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Published 2 September 2016