Spending review: UK and Italy compared
As part of its our programme of bilateral co-operation, we will be holding a UK-Italy spending review seminar on Thursday 6 February.

The seminar will take place at the Ambassador’s residence, Villa Wolkonsky, in Rome.
Italian Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni will be present and make opening remarks to an invited audience of Italian policy makers and experts engaged in Commissioner Carlo Cottarelli’s spending review.
The seminar will provide a range of perspectives on the UK experience of spending reviews and management of its public finances. The presenters include senior officials and experts from HM Treasury, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Cabinet Office and private sector companies (BravoSolution and Apsiz Services Ltd) who will speak on the UK experience and lessons learned in interactive sessions, as a contribution to Italy’s own ongoing review.
The seminar is by invitation only. Journalists interested in attending can write to ufficiostampa@fco.gov.uk.
Follow us on Twitter (@UKinItaly) with #spendingreview.
Take a look at the presentations online…