Spending Round 2015/16 - full details of funding for DCMS bodies published
How DCMS funding will be allocated to our bodies over coming years.

We have today published the details of the money we will give to our bodies to do their work in the period running up to 2015/16.
This comes after the Chancellor and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury set out funding allocations to each government department last week. DCMS’s resource budget will be reduced by seven per cent. Within a wider context of continuing austerity, this reflects the important role that the DCMS has to play in the country’s economic growth. The reductions are part of the government’s drive to cut the deficit, and put public finances on a more sustainable footing.
The headlines of how DCMS has allocated its budget are:
£80 million in capital for English Heritage in 14/15 to set up a charity to secure the future of our heritage sites and keep them in public ownership. Resource funding for English Heritage reduced by 10 per cent, while their capital grant programme will be maintained at 14/15 levels.
£250 million in capital for broadband, bringing superfast broadband to 95 per cent of homes and businesses by 2017.
Funding for arts and national museums and galleries reduced by five per cent. This relatively small reduction recognises the huge contribution that they make to our economy and will protect free admission to our national collections. Museums and galleries have also been given greater operational and financial freedoms.
Funding for grassroots sport reduced by five per cent, elite sport protected - guaranteeing an Olympic sporting legacy.
Funding for international tourism reduced by five per cent, with no cut to domestic tourism reflecting the vital role of tourism in delivering economic growth.
E-lending extended.
S4C and Northern Ireland Broadcasting funding protected and more investment in BBC Alba - recognising the importance of language broadcasting.
Resource funding for the Royal Parks Agency, the Churches Conservation Trust, Sports Ground Safety Authority, Equalities and Human Right Commission, British Film Institute, UK’s Sport’s admin budget and UK Anti-Doping reduced by 10 per cent. This level of reduction is in line with many other public bodies, and in many cases is offset by additional capital investment.
Further information
- Read the funding allocation letters
- Read more about the Spending Review 2013