St. Andrew’s Day: message from David Cameron
The Prime Minister speaks of the contribution Scots have made to their communities, to their country and to the wider world.

The Prime Minister said:
This weekend, the Saltire flies proudly over Downing Street.
Earlier this week, Number 10 played host to some of the heroes and heroines of Scotland, not just household names from TV, sport and business but many ordinary people who day by day are doing extraordinary things.
They were all here to mark St. Andrew’s Day and to celebrate the contribution which Scots and Scotland have made to their communities, to their country and to the wider world.
Next week I will be in China, where our UK delegation will be beating the drum for British business. And when we are there, I know we will see the decisive impact which Scots and Scottish business are making in the 4 corners of the globe.
Indeed wherever I go, at home and abroad I see at first hand the inspiring contribution which Scots are making.
I see that the land of innovation and enterprise has taken on the world, made its mark and won.
I see that the cradle of community and compassion has extended helping hands across the seas to those in need.
And I see that the birthplace of learning has informed and educated the wider world.
Everywhere I go I see a nation of great talent and great people.
A happy and proud St. Andrew’s Day.